Thursday, September 15, 2011

We did it!

After 8 months of planning, moving to Chapel Hill, completing a 3 month fieldwork, getting my first job(!!!), and a hurricane....we are married!  Yes, a hurricane.  My inner planner had all the details ironed out, including a complete minute-by-minute timeline of events for Friday and Saturday. One thing I didn't have planned was "how to deal for a hurricane on your wedding day."  How I did it was: Lots of love and support, constant prayer, and a strong will.  My friends and family were absolutely amazing and helped to keep my mind off the fact that there were tropical storm force winds, flooding, trees down and power outages.  What I really wanted was to run to Clint and cry on his shoulder, but being the traditional bride I did not want to see him on our wedding day.  By the time the church bells rang, it was beautiful and my mind on was completely centered on marrying the love of my life.  The only other glitch, power out for 20 minutes at the reception.  But with it still being daylight  (and my sister-in-laws keeping my hand full with a drink) we made it and it was the perfect day!  I married my best friend, and now we have the greatest story to tell our children about our love conquering all, even a hurricane.  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

< 2

Ahhhh less than 2 months before I am a MARRIED WOMAN!! A couple weekends ago I had a mini-panic moment which was solved by me spending 8 hours online designing and ordering napkins, coozies (came in today!!), attendant gifts, sparklers, you name it!  I also got the call yesterday that my dress came in and my 1st fitting is on Thursday :) Thank goodness for that since my bridal portrait is in 11 days!  I am looking forward to the weekend to come to try to finish up all my wedding planning that I possibly can.  My time during the week is pretty limited since my daily schedule is:
7:30am-5:30pm -fieldwork (aka free labor)
6pm-7pm- Pure Barre

That leaves about 3 hours to do dinner, housework, plan for the next days clients, work on my thesis and do wedding planning. I love being busy, but I think may be pushing the limits!  I must say, I will realllly be looking forward to our fantastic 8 night honeymoon :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Working with the kids is going really great! I am gaining more responsibility with each day and learning something all the time.  I love sharing in their excitement when they do something fun or finally get something for the first time.  What I don't like about sharing...the germs.  Sunday nights (2.5 weeks into my fieldwork) I started  feeling pretty icky so I tried to sleep it off. Monday morning, YUCK-O. Full blown eye infection and a sinus infection to match.  Luckily Chapel Hill North is located behind a shopping center complete with UNC Eye Center and UNC Healthcare.  Took the day off Monday to recoup and am still fighting off the ick factor.  Eye infection is gone, but can't shake the congestion, coughing and stuffy head.  My bathroom counter has turned into a mini-pharmacy and I have been sipping herbal teas by the gallon.  Quite frankly my dislike for coughing up my lungs and blowing my nose raw is starting to outweigh my love for the kiddos....any suggestions to toughen up this quivering immune system, stat?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Workin' Gal

I am officially 2 weeks into my clinical fieldwork and I am loving it!  I always knew I wanted to work with kids and with each day I realize that even more.  It is sometimes challenging when a kid doesn't want to do what you have planned, or they throw a fit and run out of the therapy gym...but the small breakthroughs I get to be a part of make everything worth it.  
Working every day has allowed me to finally get me back into a routine {essential for the planner in me}.  I love waking up with my wonderful fiancĂ©, heading off to work, getting in my daily {more like 3x a week} Pure Barre class, making dinner for 2, and relaxing with the future hubby and adorable pup. Ah, what a wonderful life :) This new kind of busy is offering little time for wedding planning, but I have started to learn the power of delegating.  Less than 3 months! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I can barely believe it..but only 100 days until I am a married woman!  I have been busy at work getting ready for the wedding lately because the whole 3 month window is closing in and I know how quickly that can fly by.
This week I checked off....

  • bridal portrait scheduled 
  • welcome bag goodies purchased
  • soloist selected
  • (most) music for the ceremony selected 
  • date to meet with the band 
Pretty good for a week...especially all while starting my level II fieldwork {which is amazing, by the way!}
I also finally sucked it up and joined Pure Barre today! I am committing to Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays after work and hoping to see results soon.  It will NOT be easy, and I may be walking around looking like a fool until my body gets used to it, but by golly I will NOT be a big bliss bride

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Great find!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TwoOfUs. All opinions are 100% mine.

Today is my last day at home before I start my clinical fieldwork so I wanted to make the most of the day! I started off with some yoga, ran out to get things I needed to recover and paint my bar stools, then did some wedding planning :) I contacted the pastor who will be conducting the ceremony to set up a time for the required pre-martial counseling.  I was actually really excited about this time, and started to do a little research on my own. I found this great website ( that has tips on keeping your relationship fresh. They have information for dating couples all the way up to married couples. I looked around the "engaged" information for a while and they really have some awesome stuff!!  I really liked the information on wedding skills and preparing for marriage. It is such true life information and definitely not sugar coated. Clint and I {as am I sure most couples do} have problems with communication.  There is a cool video on the site where Hill Harper talks about relationships.  He discusses how relationships and communication are often based around social networking and how we need to get back to face-to-face conversation.  He brings up the idea of hosting a "conversation party." It is a party where you have both women and men attend, and everyone sits down and puts relationship questions and personal reflection questions  in a hat, and then go around the room and talk about them. I like the idea and could even see it working well between 2 newly engaged people (like us) as well.  I think it would be a nice change from the typical dinner and tv routine to do a dinner, wine and "conversation party" for 2 :) We can even have a conversation party via if you feel compelled, comment with your most burning relationship questions!  And check out and like on Facebook. I think you will really like what they have to offer!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Monday, May 16, 2011

Schedule conflicts

I am amazed at how many times everything was going great with wedding planning, and then BOOM, schedule conflict screws everything up.  It happened with the wedding date first.  Now, the only time to do my bridal portrait is during one of my good friend's bachelorette parties.  Not to mention that my wedding date is a week before the same good friend's wedding, therefore we will still be honeymooning during her wedding.  I think you can safely say that I feel like a bad horrible friend. 
Now, I am struggling with schedule conflicts for getting into wedding and honeymoon shape.  I mentioned Pure Barre in a previous post and talked about how much I loved it.  I really do think it is the only thing that is going to get me in the shape I want to be for the wedding festivities. Problem is, most of their classes are only offered in Chapel Hill between the hours of 8:30 and 5:30...consequently my working hours beginning on Wednesday. They do have a class from 6:30-7:30pm, but honestly I don't know how often I would go if I had to be at work all day, come home  to my loves for 30 minutes and head back out.  I'm pushing for a 6am class so hopefully others will too :) Meeting with the wedding director at the church tonight so I am sure I will be in wedding mode full force after that! More to come!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Up-do {check!}

Call me a freak, but the satisfaction I get from checking something off my never ending to-do list(s) is phenomenal. I currently have {multiple} on going to-do lists for the wedding, one for fun home projects {more on the new place soon!}, and one for what to get done today (and tomorrow).  Yes, I have a problem.  
For the wedding to-do list, yesterday I got to check off my up-do!  I found a great hair stylist at Atmosphere  Salon and I am pretty convinced that she is a mind reader because she knew exactly what I wanted and made it look awesome! With an August wedding and all the booty shaking dancing I will be doing on the big day, I knew that I needed my hair up {or I would look like a sweaty, hot mess}.  The inspiration from the do, came from the picture in the inspiration board I created below {minus the flower}.  Love this inspiration board because it is definitely a snap-shot of my vision for the wedding...which is only a little over 3 months away...eekkkkk!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Best Thing Ever!

You are going to love me for this one! My wonderful fiance has been doing research about things we should be doing to start off our lives together financially smart.  {LOVE HIM!} He came across this awesome site called  It is a website created by a set of savvy sisters that creates weekly meal plans and grocery shopping lists for only $1.25 A WEEK!! The meals are awesome, super easy but never boring and most aims to keep your grocery list around $30 a week!!  I have put their advertisment on the right side of the blog, so check it out and let me know what you think!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


For the first time in 23+ years, I am living by myself. I will be living by myself for a whole...2 days!  My wonderful, 2 year, roommate moved out last night which was much harder than I thought it was going to be.  It has been a great 2 years, and she has been a fantastic roommate. Which as I am sure most of you know, good roommates are very hard to come by.  So now I am on a 2 day lapse until I move in with a boy for the rest of my life.  That means, only 2 days until I start the rest of my life. Waking up by my husband to be, every day for the rest of my life. Can't stop smiling thinking about it!
The solitude and quiet was rough earlier today.  There is so much to be done with packing and cleaning but I just didn't know where to start all on my own.  So I turned on pandora, and got to work.  Many hours of moving things from A to B, cleaning, and packing away my life into a million boxes and bags.  I finally ran out of packing supplies, and retreated to the tub for a glass of wine and a bubble bath.  While soaking my burnt (yeah, no sunscreen=bad idea) body in a bath of lavender bath salts, I had a lot of time to think and reflect. Amazing how a simple bath can turn into a time for deep reflection.  Like the calm before the storm...taking time to think about where I have been, and the new life I will be starting in the next 2 days was just what I needed. I now feel centered and ready for the challenge ahead of me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Blessings

The Easter season is such a great reminder to me of how much I am blessed.  Clint and I are lucky enough to be able to spend Easter together with both of our families.  We will travel to Salemburg (yes, a real place) tonight to celebrate the rising of our Savior with family, then will celebrate with his family in Wilson tomorrow!  I look forward to cherishing the time with both families.  Also, kinda crazy to think that it will our last un-married Easter!  Easter Blessings to you all....God Bless!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Go figure

In my past 23 years of life I have realized that I am one of those  "if its going to happen to anyone it will happen to me" type of people.  Now, not in a bad, catastrophic kind of sense, but more so in a comical, gotta laugh at the world kind of sense.  The wedding has been no exception. 
Let's start with the wedding date.  Date #1 was a no-go because my good friend {and bridesmaid} is getting married the weekend before (and thus would not be able to attend my wedding). Date #2 {9-10-11} then became THE DATE.  It worked for the preacher, the church was open, and it certainly worked for us.  Of course, I began calling venues and professional right away...then comes the comical part. The secretary at the church "forgot to look on the back of the calender" and the church was ACTUALLY ALREADY BOOKED for that day.  Of course...panic mode ensued...tears were shed..and then then {being the chronic planner that I am} started looking for date #3.  Of course, it all worked out for the best and the date we have now August 27, 2011 is just perfect :)

Then....the hotel.  In January we blocked rooms for the hotel.  Come April when guests are starting to book their rooms, the hotel knew nothing of our reserved block.  Hmmmm...... Again, I got it all figured out...problem solved.  

And now....the dress!  I ordered my dress in January and have been patiently awaiting its April-May arrival.  I get a call today saying "THE DRESS IS IN!!" Yay!!! So I made an appointment for my 1st fitting and hit the gym {nothing like a wedding dress fitting to get you in shape}.  Then....they call back saying..."oooopps, the dress we have here is actually your MOTHER'S dress...yours is still not in yet." Yeah, go figure.  Looks like that diet can wait a few more days.  
All I have to say about it all laugh. learn.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Want to know a bad time to get the giggles uncontrolably?  How about when your fiance is giving you a shot? Not a get you boozed up that would be a fine time to get the giggles.  How about during an intramuscular B12 shot?  Yeah...bad idea. I don't know what was so funny about getting a shot in your arm, but to me it was freaking hilarious. Last time I got my giggles out BEFORE the shot. This time I got the giggles DURING the shot exactly right after the needle went into my arm and before the fluid was injected.  And something about having the needle sticking out of my arm, combined with the look of terror on Clint's face made me laugh even harder.  Yeah, not a good idea.  It may have been funny then, but my arm is some kind of hurting right now.  Guess who is laughing now? Not this kid!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


This weekend was our HUGE, 7 person yard sale on the front lawn of my apartment.  I took full advantage of getting rid of everything I didn't need (and some things I probably should have kept) so that I didn't have so much to move. I ended up making quite a bit, but sold a desk, chair, table, clothes, 2 tvs (one of which I was still using), a ton of clothes, shoes, etc etc etc.  And about those 2 tvs we sold...we ended up buying a new flat screen last night for our new bedroom so that will do just fine in my living room until we move :)
It was a lot of work, and super exhausting, but that just means I am ONE STEP CLOSER to moving in with wonderful fiancĂ©:) 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Identity Crisis?

Glad you found me :) As I am sure you have figured out by now, I have made a much thought about decision to change the URL of my blog!  Don't get me wrong, I loved the old title and leaving it behind does not decrease my love for the Wizard of Oz.  Just wanted a change, and frankly got a little tired of typing all those letters in!  

Why the new title?
At this stage of my life, I feel that being healthy, being happy, and enjoying every second of wedding planning is what I am all about. I am all about striving to be a better me, both physically and mentally, and I am always ready to have a good time.  I often hear remarks about wedding planning being "stressful" and a "handful" and how I must have "a lot on my plate." Well...yes, it is all of the above..but I wouldn't change a thing.  I love wedding planning {and especially the wedding blogging} and will probably be a little sad when its all over!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fast Track

Hello April, I welcome you with open arms! 

April started off with a relaxing weekend with the fiance.  We did a little furniture shopping, some babysitting, and as always, some good eatin'.  After all the good eats, I tried my first Pure Barre class in Chapel Hill.  Whoa baby, what a workout!!  It was exactly what I need to get in tip-top shape for the wedding.  I am feeling the burn today, but a good burn because I am dying to make it to another class.  Sadly, there is not a studio closer than Greenville so I will have to patiently wait until I MOVE IN ONE MONTH {!!!!} to attend on the regular. 

In the meantime, I will be running around like a chicken with my head cut off (thank you Eastern NC) trying to
  1. finish up my thesis
  2. wrap up my last semester (of coursework)
  3. get rid of my junk things I no longer need at our Yard Sale
  4. pack up my apartment/life
  5. wedding planning
  6. enjoy some leisure time in Wisconsin and Chicago
  7. spend time with classmates-turned-great-friends
Sounds like a lot, but I love it...wouldn't have it any other way.  Going to be a great just need to find an extra set of arms and abotut 15 more hours in the day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

and the crafting begins...

With less than 5 months until we say "I do," I have decided to get over my wedding planning lull and start some serious crafting!  I have been making some cute little "poof balls" out of tulle that {fingers crossed} will look great hanging from the balcony! My pride and joy as of now is my creation tonight....gotta say, pretty proud of myself! I found the idea on, but didn't want to dish out the $35.00 (not to mention shipping).  Here is the inspiration:

Mr Mrs Sign Featured in  BRIDES MAGAZINE Wedding Sign Shabby Chic Chair or Church Pew Hangers. Vintage Style Signs.
Can be found online here
 I am thrilled to say that I made my adorable little signs for a mere $12.83!  And had fun doing it!!
Not bad, huh?

Sunday, March 20, 2011


The past two weeks have been absolutely amazing...more details to come later!  
More importantly, Clint and I have entered a contest to win a $100,000 ULTIMATE WEDDING from Crate and Barrel!! Please take a second to vote for us..and pass the word :) This would mean so very much to the both of us! Thanks in advance!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

To Pass Along

A family in my home town is missing their dog, Molly, and I wanted to do my part to help out.  Read this link and pass it along to others in hopes of bringing Molly back home to her family!!  I don't know what I would do without my precious puppy so I truly feel for this family.  Thanks everyone :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh well...pass the wine

I have been doing really well (for me) with working out and increasing how far I have been able to run.  Hit a 3 miler last week, which is a nice pat on the back since I usually maxed out at a mile a month or so ago.  I am always much better during the motivated to eat right and make working out a priority.  This weekend I surprised myself by really being in the mood for a run! I was supposed to go for a 4 miler, but after all the begging to get the fiancee to tag along I threw in the towel around (maybe) a mile.  I was really discouraged...running outside for me is soo much different (and harder) than running on the treadmill.  Honestly I think it is the lack of knowing actually how far I have been, or how many calories I have burned.  Seeing those releaving numbers right in front of my eyes always gets me going a little further.  I tried to make up for it by doing some weight and abs, and decided I would get back in it on Monday.
So today is Monday.  Woke up before the sun to drive back to Greenville for work at 8:30am..ewww.  All day I was getting myself ready for my awesome workout.  I even stopped by the grocery store and replenished my supply of 'supper yummy and good for you' items for the rest of the week.  My motivation hit the ground when I stepped inside my apartment and saw my roommate and friend cooking up a delicous spaghetti dinner and indulging in a glass of wine.  And then came the rain.  So I'll try again tomorrow. Although getting in shape is {towards} the top of my list, spending quality time with great friends is something that is hard to get back. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bye, Bye Bug

Last week I was really excited when I checked my email and saw my personalized fitness and nutrition plan created for me by Bess! I had full intentions of starting right away, but my body said "no thanks" when I woke up early Monday morning with the stomach virus.  I finally got over that around Wednesday and then Thursday I got the icky chest congestion, wear you down, kind of cold.  Go figure! So after feeling much, much better yesterday, I got started on my personalized plan! I tried to be an overachiever and do the 1st 2 workouts on the same day since I missed Sunday.  So I started off with a 2 mile run, and then did arms, back and lots of stretching. It may have hurt at times, but I pushed through and I did it!  I can't wait to hit up Harris Teeter (SUPER DOUBLES END TODAY!) and stock up on the foods I need to be eating to get me in tip-top wedding shape.

In other news, wedding planing is trucking along :) A couple weekends ago, a couple of my bridesmaid threw Clint and I a Stock the Bar party. We racked up on lots of great stuff and had an amazing time with friend and family :)
I promise I wasn't double fisting :) 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I mentioned in the previous post that Clint and I found what will be our "first home." We are so excited so I wanted to elaborate a little bit more :) We will be moving to Chapel Hill North...a brand new community being built in Chapel Hill.  We originally had our hearts set on something like this, but I must admit we found a pretty good compromise. Can't get much better than living in a brand new place, under budget, with a dog park, pool, and fitness center with my husband-to-be.  To add to the greatness, it is also within walking distance to Harris Teeter, a mexican restaurant, a coffee shop, and a movie theater!  
In preparation for the big May move, I have been trying to purge some of the stuff that won't make the cut when Clint and I combine our stuff.  What better way to do that then a HUGE yard sale?? My OT class  is organizing a class yard sale in April and I can't wait! What a perfect time to do some major junk chunking right before all the super cute wedding gifts come rolling in :) Gotta say, I LOVE being engaged! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I have been thinking a lot lately about how incredibly blessed I have been.  Getting engaged to the most amazing man I know and planning our wedding has shown me how great I have it. 
I have a family that is there for me offering me the utmost support and love each and every day.  I am marrying into such a loving, caring, fun to be around family and I couldn't be any luckier.  I have 10 wonderful bridesmaids who have all already done so much to show me how great our bonds really are.  I will be able to be surrounded on my wedding day by people who have touched my life in ways I could never fully describe. Clint and I signed papers to reserve the place that we will call our first home.  I will graduate this year and start applying to find not just a job, but my career.  
 I am truly blessed.  What makes you feel blessed?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nutrition confusion

In an effort to be a toned, fit, totally in-shape bride I have been trying to eat better and work out more.  The first couple weeks I thought I knew what I was I am completely confused. I started out my adding more calcium to my diet by drinking more milk and eating more yogurt.  I also am trying to eat more natural food as snacks instead of processed foods.  IN ADDITION I wanted to add more protein to my diet since I am trying to tone up.  What I have now realized that in order to get the amount of calcium and protein in my diet that I need, I am eating more than I should be.  So in despite of working out and running a lot more, I feel like I am gaining weight. So if anyone has any expert way to balance all this out, this bride to be would love your help!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Win, Win

I am pretty amazing with how much I already have planned for the wedding.  After taking in the engagement for those first few days in NY, I felt the pressure to get the date and venues picked right away.  After that, it has been so much fun! In a mere one month, we have also chosen...

  • photographer 
  • cake baker 
  • wedding dress 
  • bridesmaid dresses
  • caterer
  • florist 
  • invitations 
  • band 
I can add Save the Dates to that list after our engagement pics in a few weeks :)

And the most exciting news of all...
Clint LOVES, LOVES, LOVES funfetti {aka rainbow chip} cake...I mean who doesn't?! I decided to just simply ask our cake baker if she had done a rainbow chip wedding cake flavor, and she said she would do it for us!! And best yet, she said she could match the sprinkles insides {which, I LOVE sprinkles} to our wedding colors!! So Clint gets his funfetti cake, I get sprinkles and its all going to be wrapped up in a beautiful cake!  Makes me realize, its the little things that will make our special day even more special :) 


Monday, January 31, 2011

Enter now!

Just a heads up that Bess Be Fit has an awesome give away going on right now! Check out her awesome blog and enter to win before Wednesday!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A tale of 2 tow trucks

This past weekend Clint and I went to the mountains to celebrate one of our friend's birthdays. I had been looking forward to the weekend for a while, because it is rare that Clint and I have an unstructured weekend away.  Let me just say..the first night of our trip was quite the OPPOSITE of relaxing.  
We were going to be the first of the group to arrive, so after loading up on groceries for the weekend we started venturing up the mountain (circa 8:15pm).  The roads were fine at first, then we passed a pretty crucial sign saying "FOUR WHEEL DRIVE REQUIRED PAST THIS POINT."  Note: We are driving a 2-wheel drive, 1999 Toyota Camry. Did we stop? Heck no! We actually sped up, because according to Clint we had to keep the momentum going.  About a mile up the mountain, it got pretty icy so what happened?? The car came to a stop...then started rolling backward down the mountain.  PANIC! A little over an hour later AAA came to the rescue, with a 2-wheel drive tow truck...therefore, he couldn't tow us down. Instead, he physically slid the car in the other direction while Clint was steering.  {I had my eyes closed, head between my legs during this transition} By the grace of God we were able to tap the break down the mountain to safe land. Then what?? The 4-wheel drive jeep that our friends were driving also broke down near the cabin so they also had to call AAA (and wait 3 hours in the cold).  
So, what happened from there? We got a hotel room in Boone, chugged a few beers and prayed we could get a different cabin in the morning. Which we did, and all was well!! It ended up being an awesome weekend and we had a blast!!
Staying true to the Wolfpack

Clint vs the sled


Sunday, January 23, 2011

We got this

While out running errands yesterday Clint and I decided to drop into Belk to do some registering! My original plan was to take my master check-list that I had printed off, but of course I forgot it {oops!}.  So we winged it...which I think, was much more fun. After taking 20 minutes to pick out dinnerware, we finally got the hang of it. 
What next? We got this!

On top of getting a head start on starting our registry, we have also booked our band, reception venue, and caterer! Now If I could only figure out which photographer I want.

Poll: Should I have a photographer who is 
a. laid back, funny, and willing to do whatever we want
b. a team of 2 very organized photographers with a set list of photos

Both have their perks...HELP! 

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Yes everyone, I AM ENGAGED!! I have been so busy living in wedding planning mode that I completely overlooked updating the blog.  After numerous requests from my fiancĂ©e {lovvveeee the sound of that}, here is your wedding update!  
The proposal was perfect and I still sport a huge grin when I catch a glimpse of my BEAUTIFUL ring!  He proposed on the first night that we were on vacation in NYC, so we were able to spend the rest of the week, just the 2 of us, smiling and talking about our future. I am a pretty crazy efficient planner so in a little over a week I already have my church, preacher and bridesmaids.  I am also within a week of securing the band, photographer, and florist (and HOPEFULLY the reception venue!).  I am loving every second of the planning!  I am ecstatic about taking this next step with Clint and love how much it has brought us even closer.  He is being an amazing part of the planning and has stepped up to take control of bits and pieces of the Big Day plans.  Just another reason why I love him so very much. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

NYC here we come!

The much awaited NYC trip is just a day away!!  Clint and I try to take one big vacation a year.  For the past 2 years we opted for the warm, sunny cruise vacay but this year we wanted to do something a little different.  I went to NYC a couple Labor Day's ago with some girls, but remember thinking the whole time, "It would be really cool to come back and do this with Clint" now I will be!  Neither one of us have done the "Touristy scene" so we are both super pumped!  I have been itching  trying to plan out an idea of where to do since we want to do SO much.  Surprisingly, Clint actually WANTED me to make a plan....that is something you won't hear every day!  A few things on our agenda are..Lombardi on Broadway (Thanks to Clint's sisters Rebekah and Sarah!!, dinner at "21 Club" (Thanks to Clint's family!, Yankee's Stadium Tour, the Wax museum, and every single Tourist attraction in NYC :) I am looking forward to every bit of it, especially just walking around and taking in the city with Clint!  

Saturday, January 1, 2011


As we ring in the the year 2011 we should all take time to think about how we are going to change ourselves for the better.  I have an incredible amount of things to look forward to in the New Year and I fully intend to cherish what the year brings.  Already on the 2011 calender is....beginning my OT fieldwork level II, moving to Chapel Hill to be with Clint, graduating, and 5 {and counting} weddings.  Clint and I have been bouncing resolution ideas back and forth this morning so I decided I would compile the list.
  1. Exercise more often. I need to get out of the "gym" mindset and just get moving. If I don't/can't make it to the gym, I need to get outside and take Bailey for a walk, do some Wii Fit, or simply a few at-home exercises.  
  2. Drink more water. Typically I do pretty well with this one, but there are always those little temptations where I make a bad choice.  I mean really, who can pass up sweet tea?
  3. Eat more "raw" food. Being a coupon freak, I usually buy snack foods in the Triscuit, Wheat Thin category instead of the grapes, apple, carrots category.  I need to cut back on the snack foods, and add in a lot of fruits and veggies.
  4. Save, save, save. Starting a new part-time job with way more money is going to make for temptations to shop and splurge.  I need to keep my eye on the prize and keep adding to my savings.  I need to save at least $3,000 more to get to my $10,000 goal by June.  
  5. Stop complaining, start doing. I admit, I have a bad habit of running my mouth when I don't like the way something is going.  This 1/1/11 I realized I needed to close my mouth and do something about it.  Perfect example from this morning....Clint's house is DISGUSTING. Not so much by his part, but from living with 4 other roommates and 3 shed-tastic pups. So this morning I got moving and scrubbed, vacuumed, and dusted my heart out.  Best part, Clint chipped in!  Great way to start the New Year :)
  6. Love deeper. Clint and I have a great relationship.  We do a lot of things together and enjoy spending time together.  But lately, I've been finding that it has been hard for me to turn  my mind off and just enjoy the moment together.  I am going to make a bigger effort to turn off the tv, set aside the computer, and just talk, laugh, be silly, etc with each other.  
All of these combined are my ultimate 2011 New Years resolution, be a happier, healthier me.  Best of luck to everyone with their own resolutions and take time this New Years thank God for another fabulous year.