Saturday, January 1, 2011


As we ring in the the year 2011 we should all take time to think about how we are going to change ourselves for the better.  I have an incredible amount of things to look forward to in the New Year and I fully intend to cherish what the year brings.  Already on the 2011 calender is....beginning my OT fieldwork level II, moving to Chapel Hill to be with Clint, graduating, and 5 {and counting} weddings.  Clint and I have been bouncing resolution ideas back and forth this morning so I decided I would compile the list.
  1. Exercise more often. I need to get out of the "gym" mindset and just get moving. If I don't/can't make it to the gym, I need to get outside and take Bailey for a walk, do some Wii Fit, or simply a few at-home exercises.  
  2. Drink more water. Typically I do pretty well with this one, but there are always those little temptations where I make a bad choice.  I mean really, who can pass up sweet tea?
  3. Eat more "raw" food. Being a coupon freak, I usually buy snack foods in the Triscuit, Wheat Thin category instead of the grapes, apple, carrots category.  I need to cut back on the snack foods, and add in a lot of fruits and veggies.
  4. Save, save, save. Starting a new part-time job with way more money is going to make for temptations to shop and splurge.  I need to keep my eye on the prize and keep adding to my savings.  I need to save at least $3,000 more to get to my $10,000 goal by June.  
  5. Stop complaining, start doing. I admit, I have a bad habit of running my mouth when I don't like the way something is going.  This 1/1/11 I realized I needed to close my mouth and do something about it.  Perfect example from this morning....Clint's house is DISGUSTING. Not so much by his part, but from living with 4 other roommates and 3 shed-tastic pups. So this morning I got moving and scrubbed, vacuumed, and dusted my heart out.  Best part, Clint chipped in!  Great way to start the New Year :)
  6. Love deeper. Clint and I have a great relationship.  We do a lot of things together and enjoy spending time together.  But lately, I've been finding that it has been hard for me to turn  my mind off and just enjoy the moment together.  I am going to make a bigger effort to turn off the tv, set aside the computer, and just talk, laugh, be silly, etc with each other.  
All of these combined are my ultimate 2011 New Years resolution, be a happier, healthier me.  Best of luck to everyone with their own resolutions and take time this New Years thank God for another fabulous year. 


  1. I like "love deeper" a lot. Why does it seem like the natural thing to do is take for granted the ones we love? I might tackle this goal with you :)

  2. Thanks, Meri! It certainly is an interesting concept. I always find myself taking out my frustration on the people I love...maybe it is because I know they will understand and love me none the less. We should encourage each other! Best wishes in the New Year!
