Tuesday, June 28, 2011

< 2

Ahhhh less than 2 months before I am a MARRIED WOMAN!! A couple weekends ago I had a mini-panic moment which was solved by me spending 8 hours online designing and ordering napkins, coozies (came in today!!), attendant gifts, sparklers, you name it!  I also got the call yesterday that my dress came in and my 1st fitting is on Thursday :) Thank goodness for that since my bridal portrait is in 11 days!  I am looking forward to the weekend to come to try to finish up all my wedding planning that I possibly can.  My time during the week is pretty limited since my daily schedule is:
7:30am-5:30pm -fieldwork (aka free labor)
6pm-7pm- Pure Barre

That leaves about 3 hours to do dinner, housework, plan for the next days clients, work on my thesis and do wedding planning. I love being busy, but I think may be pushing the limits!  I must say, I will realllly be looking forward to our fantastic 8 night honeymoon :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Working with the kids is going really great! I am gaining more responsibility with each day and learning something all the time.  I love sharing in their excitement when they do something fun or finally get something for the first time.  What I don't like about sharing...the germs.  Sunday nights (2.5 weeks into my fieldwork) I started  feeling pretty icky so I tried to sleep it off. Monday morning, YUCK-O. Full blown eye infection and a sinus infection to match.  Luckily Chapel Hill North is located behind a shopping center complete with UNC Eye Center and UNC Healthcare.  Took the day off Monday to recoup and am still fighting off the ick factor.  Eye infection is gone, but can't shake the congestion, coughing and stuffy head.  My bathroom counter has turned into a mini-pharmacy and I have been sipping herbal teas by the gallon.  Quite frankly my dislike for coughing up my lungs and blowing my nose raw is starting to outweigh my love for the kiddos....any suggestions to toughen up this quivering immune system, stat?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Workin' Gal

I am officially 2 weeks into my clinical fieldwork and I am loving it!  I always knew I wanted to work with kids and with each day I realize that even more.  It is sometimes challenging when a kid doesn't want to do what you have planned, or they throw a fit and run out of the therapy gym...but the small breakthroughs I get to be a part of make everything worth it.  
Working every day has allowed me to finally get me back into a routine {essential for the planner in me}.  I love waking up with my wonderful fiancĂ©, heading off to work, getting in my daily {more like 3x a week} Pure Barre class, making dinner for 2, and relaxing with the future hubby and adorable pup. Ah, what a wonderful life :) This new kind of busy is offering little time for wedding planning, but I have started to learn the power of delegating.  Less than 3 months!