Monday, August 23, 2010

On the home stretch

I have been a bit slack about posting, but with school starting tomorrow I thought I should get back on the ball.  
{For starters, surgery went well! The doctor removed not one, but five polyps and he thinks the pathology report will come back fine :) I am still a little sore and crampy but feeling much better on the whole!}
I had a great 3 weeks off and although I am not dying to get back to classes, I am in desperate need to get back to some sort of schedule. My break was packed with lots of fun including my 22nd birthday, a road trip to Ohio with my love for a (super fun!) wedding, my surgery, and lots of play dates for Bailey with her BFF Greta.

But now..... IT'S MY LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL!!!  After circa 18 years of school, I am SO ready to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  This year will be crammed full of classes, work, research for my thesis, and writing my thesis.  Not to mention 1 week of fieldwork in both October and March!  It's already hard to believe that I will finally be moving to Chapel Hill to be close to Clint in only 9 short months :) So many exciting things in my future and I am ready to embrace it!  

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the title of your blog (and subheader)!!! What a great approach to life!
