...So true!
Recently I have realized that I have felt a bit off due to a crazy, inconsistent schedule and no desire to get back into my workout groove. As I decided to jump back on my Wii Fit this morning, I realized I have gained 10 lbs since before the cruise in March! WOW! Prior to the cruise, I was super busy with school but I was still eating right and working out, in some form or fashion, daily. This lifestyle brought me down 13 pounds and even below my "ideal weight" of 130! Now I am back up a whopping +7 up from my ideal weight and I am feeling quite worthless! Let me interject with, it is not about the weight anymore for me. It is about feeling great and being healthy, and to get there I need to find some BALANCE with...
- eating right
- exercise
- quality time with family and friends
- spiritual life
- finances
Now, how I am going to do that?
Eating right will be a piece of cake granola bar. I know what to do, I just have to start making wise choices, again.
Exercise is something I have to make time for. It is not that I don't have the time, I just don't think about making the time. Therefore, I am going to start writing my workouts in my planner so I will think of it more as a "must do" opposed to an "uh, I'd rather lay on the couch and watch Hoarders."
Quality time is something that I think I have under control. But when you think about it, Is it really quality time when you are sitting on the couch watching a movie and not talking to each other? Maybe to some, but take a peak at The 5 love languages-- truly life changing.
Spiritual life is something that I used to make a lot of time for, but my church going and bible reading has dramatically decreased over the college years. I have made small steps to going to church more often, reading devotions nightly with Clint and reading The Shack. Tonight I will make another small step in attending a bible study group!
Finances..YUCK! Hate dealing with finances and quite frankly I am not as great at saving money as I think I am. I have recently taken up coupon cutting which has been helpful, but I still have a long way to go. In my defense, it is pretty difficult to save when in graduate school and can only hold a part time job, but still have those lovely bills coming in each month.
With a little dedication and a lot of encouragement I might actually be able to pull this off. After all, you only live once!