Ahhhh less than 2 months before I am a MARRIED WOMAN!! A couple weekends ago I had a mini-panic moment which was solved by me spending 8 hours online designing and ordering napkins, coozies (came in today!!), attendant gifts, sparklers, you name it! I also got the call yesterday that my dress came in and my 1st fitting is on Thursday :) Thank goodness for that since my bridal portrait is in 11 days! I am looking forward to the weekend to come to try to finish up all my wedding planning that I possibly can. My time during the week is pretty limited since my daily schedule is:
7:30am-5:30pm -fieldwork (aka free labor)
6pm-7pm- Pure Barre
That leaves about 3 hours to do dinner, housework, plan for the next days clients, work on my thesis and do wedding planning. I love being busy, but I think may be pushing the limits! I must say, I will realllly be looking forward to our fantastic 8 night honeymoon :)