Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bailey turns 1!!

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me....Bailey's 1st birthday!! I had been telling her about her birthday all week, so I gave in a gave her an early birthday present Monday night. 
After a full night of playing her her new toy, the birthday girl was a quite exhausted come 7am and poor lil hippo lost a leg. 
Per her request, we went on a few extra walks yesterday and she got oodles of treats :) Mid-day I couldn't wait any longer and I decided it was time to officially celebrate with a PUPCAKE!
I put it in her food bowl to try to cut down on the mess, but she had other plans.
She must have thought she was doing something wrong because she ran off with the cupcake and decided to eat it under the kitchen table. Coincidently, she eats her cupcake just like her mom!! Cake 1st, then icing :)  
Oh well, a little mess never hurt anyone.  
Happy birthday Bailey :) You will never know how much you have given me in your 1st year of life. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tough decisions

I try to lead a fairly worry free life, but there is always one stressor that keeps Clint singing the chorus of this tune to me....$money$.  When I found out I was not going to be able to work at the Autism Society as much next semester I had a mini-meltdown.  I have enjoyed saving my extra $4,000 of student loans each semester for a wedding one day, and not being able to do that was frightening.  So, I went out and found job #2.  I will be working at the ECU Distance Education Proctoring Center! Its such an easy job, with perfect hours, and excellent pay. The plan was to work there Monday-Friday and at the Autism Society worries, I can handle it.  Or can I? Now enters the tough decision...should I quit job #1?  It is so rewarding, but does it come at the cost of less time with my boyfriend? I mean seriously, why save up money for a wedding if there is never a time when you sit back and relax with your significant other for a weekend?  So I am letting go of the Autism Society.  I need to focus on myself and not set myself up for being overwhelmed in my last semester of classes {hallelujah, praise God!!}.   Seems like this may be the best decision I have had in a while.