Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moving day....again!

Well, yesterday was moving day...again!!! Since I was 18 I have moved from a dorm to a sorority house, to an apartment, to a house (break in 2X), to another crappy apartment, to a sub-leased room in a house, to a NEW town a new house (break-in again), now FINALLY to a nice apartment where I am keeping my fingers crossed I will be for the next year a half.  I am getting to be a professional at this whole packing, unpacking thing now so at least it went pretty smoothly! I was lucky enough to have my wonderful boyfriend come to town to help me move all of my belongings...which trust me...was A LOT! I am amazed how much a person can accumulate in 22 years.  Lord help me when I have a husband and children and then the junk quadruples! After 7 hours of actual moving the goods from place A to place B we were able to take a breath to eat and sit down. I was also very fortunate to have my mom and grandma  here to help me get stuff organized, put away, and my grandpa to help me get the curtains hung, pictures on the wall, etc. Still have a bit of a way to go until it is how I want it, but its coming together!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fresh beginnings

As 2009 rolled out, it rolled away with my sense of security.  December 22nd my house was broken into over $2,000 worth of my hard earned goods were stolen.  Merry Christmas, right?! Through much debate my roommate and I decided to move to a safer neighborhood...which means
more rent, less money for my shopping expenditures, and yes, moving my entire townhouse a few miles down the road. Through all the headache, I am still remaining optimistic and excited about this new move..and the much needed re-organizing my life!
Next change up to bat is getting healthier! I got a Wii Fit for Christmas (YAY!) so I can be workin' on my fitness in my (new) house even on those cold, don't want to leave the house, days! I am also a HUGE fan of the Biggest Loser and wish I had the luxury (and curse) of Jillian around all the time to whip my butt into shape! I bought an amazing book that I recommend to everyone....Biggest Loser, Simple Swaps. I am LOVING it and all of its great recommendations....especially spaghetti squash, YUM! This week I decided to plan out my meals for the week based on the book and it is going great!  Hopefully this dedication will stick long-term :) 3 cheers to a healthy, and SAFER, 2010!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The importance of friends

Of all the things that I adored about being an undergrad...the parties, sorority functions, fraternity late is the close access to my friends that I miss the most. In undergrad all my friends were either living in the same house or better yet, right down the street! There was always someone to go to the gym with, meet for lunch, and lay on the couch and swear that "we will never drink again." Having to accept the motto of "that was then and this is now" is something I am having a VERY hard time with. I now live at least 90 minutes away from all of my college friends, and a handful of them are not even in the same state. We are all in grad school, starting new careers or getting married, which is FANTASTIC and what we all hoped and dreamed for just a year ago. But...finding time to drive to every end of the state to spend a couple days with the people I dearly miss is just not as easy to fit into the hustle and bustle of life these days. I knew growing up would be hard, but I always assumed I would have my friends close by to bitch and moan about it all with. So I have decided that I am going to do something about it! I'm taking on the challenge to find the time in 2010 to fulfill the void and do some traveling. Off to Charlotte, Raleigh and Wilmington for starters...then Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida if I get truly enthusiastic (or the money on a grad school budget!).